Question -------- I need to display a date with the 2 digit century value prefixing the year. How do I do this? Answer ------ Here is one way to solve this problem: Note that in the following example, |INVDATE| is the invoice date, the Progress date format is mmddyy, and the output date format desired is CCYYMMDD, where "CC" represents the century, "YY" represents the year, "MM" represents the month and "DD" represents the day of the month. - Create a function keyword: Funct. Keyword: YEAROFDT Description: CALCULATES THE CENTURY Return-value: character Funct. Formula: IF(INT(SUBSTR(STRING(|INVDATE|) ,1,2)) >50 AND INT(SUBSTR(STRING(|INVDATE|) ,1,2)) <99) THEN "20" ELSE "19" - Here is how you may map the outbound formula: outbound type: character Formula: |YEAROFDT| + SUBSTR(STRING(|INVDATE|) ,7,2) + SUBSTRING(STRING(|INVDATE|) ,1,2) + SUBSTRING(STRING(|INVDATE|) ,4,2)