Question -------- I am working with the outbound invoicing (810 in X12) document. Last week, I set the "Send document" switch in my Partner's transaction set information section to "no". So, why are triggers still getting generated? Does the fact that I have a Customer Partner Relationship set up for this customer have anything to do with the trigger getting created? Answer ------ To answer this, note two important details about timing and setting of the switches: 1. Timing Point one: Whether or not the invoice trigger is created is determined at the moment the order is created (or received and created). If you have a customer partner relationship at order creation time (thus, we know the partner) and your partner has the "Send Document" switch set to yes, then the Send-edi switch on the order is set to yes and the order.partner is set to the appropriate partner. Timing Point two: Phase between Points one and three. After the order is created, you may change both these fields via the Order Entry function to generate or not generate an invoice trigger. Timing Point three: When Invoicing occurs, the Send-EDI and Partner values are copied from the order to the invoice. When the invoice is created, you may change both these fields via the Invoicing function (see the override header section). Should the values of these two fields indicate "Send-EDI" = yes and "Partner" = [somevalidpartner], then a trigger is created when you press "P" to process the invoice. 2. If you do not want triggers to be generated for invoices starting from the point that you change the send document from within the partner transaction set information section, the ideal timing point to do so would be before timing point one for all orders for that customer/partner. Now here is where the answer to your question comes in. When you change the "Send-Document" switch in the Transaction Set Information section of the partner "after" orders have been created (after point one), you ALSO need to indicate to the system that you have changed your mind with respect to invoice trigger creation for orders that have "already" been created; do this by changing the EDI switches on the orders that are waiting to be invoiced. Change the order.send-edi and order.partner switches to no and blank respectively if you are at timing point two. Or, if you are at timing point three, when you invoice, change the invoice.send-edi and invoice.partner to no and blank respectively so that triggers are not generated. When you are at point two or three, it is preferable to do this change for ALL orders with that customer/partner combination for two reasons: the order may generate multiple invoices and you'd have to check the send-edi and partner on all invoices to avoid trigger creation. Secondly, there may be a long time lapse between order creation and invoicing. Should you have already created the invoices, then clean out all the triggers for this partner and customer/transaction set combination so that the EDI invoice is not generated from the trigger.