Question -------- I have a test database and a production database for all my MXP applications. Why do my formulas in my production database sometimes appear to have formulas that I created in my test database. Also, why do I find my outbound data sets generated from my test database mixed up with my production data sets. Answer ------ When setting up your test environment, you cannot just copy your live database over a test database. EDI generates and receives to directories and files outside your database, and thus data created out of context may be created. Certain other values must be validated for conflicts between the test and live databases; in other words, you might not want them to be the same in both databases. The first is in EDI Partner Maintenance: in the Send and Receive Section, check the send and receive program directories. The next one is in the EDI File Location Maintenance Function: check your directories and/or file names to make them unique to your database. You might want to keep the directory name but change the file name, except for the backup directory. Also, check Communications script setup so that test data does not get processed/sent to the production area by mistake. For good measure, in case you have an older EDI release, check the EDI control file maintenance function for any directory/file references that are the same between test and live. Lastly, check the EDI System Information Maintenance function, in case you want to keep that separate as well. This is the name of the directory where generated programs used to edit EDI data on hold are to be stored.