Question: A trading partner has setup a client on 3.40 (875 & 880) and are running currently on the MXP system. Now the partner wants to be upgraded to version 4.10. What is the best way to accomplish this switchover? Do we have to setup a new partner for this, because while we are testing version 4.10, we still want version 3.40 to be running while we are testing? Answer: ** Please note that references to,, Sobeys, and 875/880 are for purposes of example only, your partners and/or scripts may be named differently ** When upgrading/testing another version for documents already being traded between partners and still continue to trade exchange these documents in the current version, one is better off setting up a test partner. When I go about doing this I do the following: 1. a) Go into your script directory and copy the to b) edit the and modify the the JOBFILE parameter so that it points to a file called ibmtest.job c) Go to EDI 3 14 EDI File Location Maintenance enter ibmtest and press F10, you will then be asked the following question: > Do you wish to copy from an existing EDI FILE LOCATION? Enter YES It will then ask you .. > Enter 'From' EDI FILE LOCATION Enter ibm At this point will will see all the setup for ibm copied to ibmtest modify the following: > Output file: Change ediout to ediouttest > Comm. startup script: change to > Press F1 On the second screen modify the following: > Communications script name:" change ibm.job to ibmtest.job > Press F1 At this point your new script ibmtest.job will be created. 2. Go into option EDI 3 2 EDI Partner Maintenance and setup your test partner for sobey's ie. sobeystest. You need to get sobeys test interchange information in order to complete this part. 3. Create your 4010 mappings for Sobeys, and generate your formulas. 4. When you are ready to test the 880 go into document review and create a trigger for sobeystest. 5. When Sobeys sends you a test for the 875 it will be coming in with the regular data, so an order will be automatically created, verify your report in order to know the order number. Please Note that the above steps are taking into consideration that you are not using a test mailbox with your VAN, i.e. you are using your regular/production mailbox. If you are using your test mailbox you need to specify the test mailbox, and password in your EDI 3 14 EDI File Location Maintenance (second screen). Also you should specify a different input directory/file on the first screen